Just to put it out there for everyone I've noticed something I find to be a little odd. I have plenty of recurring views on this blog when I post the preview pages for the comic, and while I have sales my sales don't match up with my views.. Not even close. Which means there are a great deal of you that are not getting the whole issue and for the last several issues you've missed the 2nd half leaving you likely wondering, just what the heck is going on at the start of the next.
In case you missed my constant posting of it I stopped putting the entire issue on the board. What you are getting here is the first half of a 20 page issue. Next month is going to be 32 pages. So if you stop at the page 10 mark you are going to miss a lot and be very lost come the next issue after.
In order to get the rest of the issue you need to click on one of the many banners in this blog to go to the Kindle store. Or with your kindle or kindle enabled device you can search "Turpentine Valley" from the store menu. You must then purchase the entire issue for a mere 2.99. Hours upon hours of work goes into this project and I ask only 2.99 a month. In addition to my stories I have had two guest artist provide special covers for you, the reader. One of them is returning for July. Also in July we are going to be enjoying the coloring talents of Tim Claphan. This is a pretty big effort and it is my hope that you enjoy the results. I imagine you are since I have many views. But the sad fact is that if I can't see a return for the investment (time/money/materials) I will stop. So if you want the comic to continue you need to understand that it has to be funded in some way. If you would prefer it remain "free" then I need to either look into advertisements on my blog or do a Kickstarter and beg for money.
If you would rather dump money into a Kickstarter or see ads that you'll likely block all over my comic than simply pay 2.99 a month for an issue then that's great. LET ME KNOW. There is a comments section on this blog that no one uses. I have no feedback, so I don't know if you're coming here to make fun of the comic, or if you like it or if there are things you'd like to see changed about it. I need FEEDBACK. Comment and let me know your thoughts. Let me know you want this to continue.
Also, on the subject of time consuming, let it be known that up till now I have been one person doing every job related to making a comic. Now someone else is doing the colors and that's great but the time it consumes is beginning to catch up to me in my personal life. So to remedy that I will, starting with July, move to a Bi-Monthly format. The next issue after July will be September. HOWEVER, I realize two months is a long time to wait for 20 pages, so I will up the page count to 32 pages each issue. This time will allow me to keep my personal life under control, and also put more time into the art so that you the reader can enjoy it that much more.
Let me know what you all think. I don't make this comic for me. I make it for you.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Friday, June 12, 2015
Turpentine Valley - Issue 7 Page 10
Well that's it for this preview. Be sure to click on the banner to purchase your complete copy of Issue 7 from the Kindle store. And remember, if you don't have a Kindle, but you have a smart device, you can download a free app so that you can read Kindle books. Next month is the conclusion to this Five Part Story. So keep up!
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Monday, June 8, 2015
Friday, June 5, 2015
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
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